enable the students to –
CO1: Apply Integrating Factors and
Solve Linear Differential Equations
CO2: Analyze Equations Reducible to
Exact Equations
CO3: Evaluate Solutions for (p), (y),
and (x) in Clairaut’s Equation
CO4: Understand Orthogonal
Trajectories in Cartesian and Polar Forms
CO5: Solve Homogeneous and
Non-Homogeneous Linear Equations
CO6: Apply Particular Integrals in
Non-Homogeneous Equations
CO7: Analyze Cauchy-Euler Equation and
Method of Variation of Parameters
Course Outline:
Module 1 : Differential Equations of First order and First Degree:
- Linear Differential Equations
- Separable Differential Equations
- Homogeneous Differential Equations
- Exact Differential Equations
- Non Exact Differential Equations
- Bernoulli's Differential Equations
Module 2 : Differential Equations of First order but not first degree:
- Equations solvable for P
- Equations solvable for X
- Equations solvable for Y
- Clairaut's Equation
- Orthogonal Trajectories: Cartesian form
Module 3 : Higher order linear Differential equations:
- Solutions of Homogeneous Differential equations of order n with constant coefficients
- Non Homogeneous Higher order linear differential equations with constant coefficients
Module 4 : Higher order linear Differential equations with non-constant coefficients:
- Method of variation of parameters
- The Cauchy Euler Equation
Course Structure:
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